Golden Opaque Colours

Golden High Flow Airbrush paint offers ink like consistency to give greater durability and an extended colour range including Iridescent and Fluorescent colours. We have updated the colour range and now offer 38 colour options and a brand new mixing set of 10 x 30ml bottles. We also stock 118ml Carbon Black and Titanium White

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items

Golden Opaque High Flow Colours - 30ml Bottles

Golden Opaque High Flow Colours - 30ml Bottles

On Sale from £7.60 (inc VAT)

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Choose from 38 product options

HIGH FLOW 118ml Carbon Black

HIGH FLOW 118ml Carbon Black

On Sale £16.68 (inc VAT)

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Golden High Flow Mixing Set

Golden High Flow Mixing Set

On Sale £77.96 (inc VAT)

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