Dahle Trimmers & Guillotines
Dahle have been leading the way since 1930 with their high performance products. Whether in the office, classroom or at home the combination of precision and maximum safety, ease of use make Dahle the perfect partner for all those trimming and cutting requirements. From heavy duty cutters, guillotines to desk top rotary trimmers and associated spare parts we have a solution for you.
When it comes down to buying the right cutting machine it comes down to your paper volume.
Heavy Duty Cutters - Cuts entire stacks of paper, up to 800 sheets per cut, ideal for commercial use such as copy shops
Guillotines - Precisely cuts large volumes of paper with little physical effort, suited for cutting a wide variety of materials, unique Dahle automatic safety guard
Rotary Trimmers - precisely cuts small volumes of paper without burrs, safety comes first with closed cutting head

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